Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Well Karma is pitchin a royal hissy fit right now and for once I'm not the one getting smacked around!  Got a text from Allison saying that Nick has lost his job (the one he was sent to India for to train people to take over HR) and that as soon as he gets beck from India at the end of May he's jobless.  I'm trying very very hard not to laugh about the whole situiation right now.  I wonder if his loosing his job is going to interfear with his oh-so-perfect-relationship with bitchface. HA!  Sucks to be him right now, I bet.  Too bad.


Monday, April 11, 2011

What a Weekend

Well it's been one hell of a weekend.  Scouting in the outfield was a bust...just like the last time it was so disoragnized that we ended up leaving as soon as the game was over.  Rather than deal with the kids being up until 4 in the morning, I brought them home and we set up our tent in the back acre Saturday night.  Allison and her family came over and set up their tent too and we had a nice little camp out.  It was a lot of fun except for the giant misquito bite I got on my forehead. Thing hurts.
Just got done cooking breakfast for the kids...FCATs start today.  I think that it's about one of the worst ideas the school board has ever had.  I'm sure standardized testing works great for Japan and such, but the thing of it is, places like Japan have a high value placed on education than we do.  The reason these kind of tests aren't a big deal in places like Japan is because they are better equiped to teach and the students are more serious about learning.  (At least, this is how I see it working so far)  The fact that if you fail this single test in 3rd grade you don't pass on to 4th grade is total bullshit!  It's just setting out kids up to hate school.  Poor Patrick has a mouth full of canker sores from the stress of the past couple weeks trying to study for this test.  I wish there was a way that as a parent I could say, no my son isn't taking this stupid test, but of course that's not the way it works.
Oh well...not much I can do about it other than help him study and pray. 


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And it all goes BOOM!

Well....shit really hit the fan today.  My parents decided that they needed to protect me and decided that David had to leave immediatly.  It got realy ugly for a bit then everything ended peacefully...well, as peacefully as it can be.  Now he's goin on Facebook saying it's the same things as 7 years ago and it's not.  And he's leading people to believe that it was just because I didn't want to work at the relationship.  Never mind that he hasn't done hardly anything around the house since he moved in.  He hasn't had a job.  He hasn't contributed to any of the bills except one single time and even then it wasn't near equilivant of the amount of resources he's used since he got here.  I have been unable to work on my art or even use my own computer because he's too busy dicking around on the internet.  I haven't eaten in 5 days, haven't slept more than a couple hours every couple days in 2 weeks.  I've been so miserable I've actually considered the fact that it would be eaiser on myself (not anyone else) if I were dead.  I should be able to have a decent life without having these feelings hovering over my head.  I have done my best to be civil (after a couple of initial outbursts).  I have kept myself calm and like a stone when I had to deal with him face to face.  All he has left here is his stupid tv and maybe some clothes he missed.   I'll have to go through the room this week and box everything up.  Gonna have to make sure I keep the truck and the front door locked at all times now.  Front foor no problem....truck a bit of a problem...I never remember to lock the thing.  Well, I guess that's about all I have to say for now....I hope I can find a way to get some sleep tonight.  I'm so damn tired....


Monday, April 4, 2011

I Feel Dead Inside...

So I thought that my heart couldn't possiably break any more but I was so very very wrong. :(  I found out this morning that Nick has asked bitchface to marry him and then he had the audacity to invite me.  After what I had just told him a couple days ago, he pulls this.  Not that I figured what I said would have changed anything, but knowing how I still feel he goes and rubs it into my face.  Bastard!  And i'll be that's the real reason he wanted me to give his mom my old engagment ring...he wanted to give the real diamond to her.  Well tough shit...I got rid of both rings a long time ago.  I should have known that this was going to happen.  And now I feel like I want to curl up in a ball and simply die.  I don't even want to carry on at this point.  I've been trying so damn hard to get past all this, to drag myself out of this pit I've fallen into, but it's impossiable.  I don't know what to do anymore. I don't even want to go try for an apprenticeship now.  I don't want to do anything except go to sleep and never wake up again.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Well then...

Well I got nothing I wanted done yesterday accomplished....on the other hand, I did clean out the cabinets in the kitchen and caught up all the dishes, so the day wasn't a total loss.  I'm waiting for Allison to get here.  She was planning on coming over after she dropped Cara off at school, but today is Flag Pole Day at Cara's school, so Allison has to wait until the kids actually go to class before she can leave.  Not that I blame her.  As far as I know, Patrick and Eddie's school doesn't have a FPD so I don't have to worry about it.  Let me explain...Flag Pole Day is when they gather the entier school, K-6, at the flag pole in front of the school and outside the fences.  Now I'm not using real numbers here, just easy ones for illustration purposes... there are maybe 100 teachers and 400 students at this school.  As the mother of an overactive 6 year old, wouldn't you be concerned that the school has your kid standing around a flag pole?  Especially since the school is walking distance from where a little girl was snatched and killed not to long ago?  So Allison has to stay at the school to keep an eye on Cara or she'll loose her mind. ;)

Today I think I'll try to tackle the last of the wall cabinets and then start on the free-standing ones.  finishing out the last cabinet should be easy enough...all I have to do is replace the shelf liner and put the glasses back.  I already got everything washed last night.  You can tell we rarely use our actual glass glasses cause every one of them was covered in a layer of dust.  Same went for all but a couple of the coffee mugs.  Found one of my missing potato peelers last night...with the tip of my middle finger.  I was digging at the bottom of the solverware basket and felt something slice my finger.  I thought, odd...I thought I already got all the knives out.  When I pulled my hand up, the peeler was still attatched to the tip of my finger.  Thankfully this was at about 11:30pm, so I didn't have to worry about it for too long.  :)

Yay!  Allison's on her way!  Guess I should start wrapping this post up since it's not going to take long for her to get here.  Good thing...I'm stressed and I need someone to vent to.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Descisions Decisions....

I can't decide if I want to break my tattoo gun out or not.  I've got an awesome leg piece lined up, but I'm not sure I have the energy to finish it once I've started.  I'm not reay sure i have the time.  It's a fairly large and detaild piece and it's probablly going to take me a few hours to ink.  I figure that since I fell in love with art in general after finding my first ElfQuest graphic novel that as a tribute to the most awesome art of Wendy Pini, I will take a beautiful sketch of Nightfall, my favorite character, and turn it into a tattoo.  Here is the picture I am using...

I kept the stencil as identical to the original drawing as I I must hope my tattooing skills are up for the challange.  I'm pretty confident that they are.  I've been drawing ElfQuest character, Nightfall and Skywise in particular, since I was 15.  No where near as perfect as Mrs. Pini's, but pretty good.  i'm planning on putting this one on the inside of my lower right leg.  Bout the only spot I have left that I can ink myself that's big enough.  It's going to be about 5x3 when it's done.  It took me forever to mix up the right shade of honey borwn for her hair, but again, here's hoping.  At least i won't have to color in her skin.  Wolfriders are fair skinned and my legs are pretty darn white. ;)


Monday, March 28, 2011

Keeping the Faith

So I decided that I needed a constant in-my-face reminder that I need to keep my faith when things get tough.  So here it latest tattoo.  Done with a 5RT (5 needles in tight formation for a liner) and black ink.  I'm very proud of my line work and this is the best I've done so far.

Now David wants me to work on his dolphins and fill in where the ink bled out.  Probablly gonna use a 7RS.
